Family Self-Sufficiency Case Managent Services
Under the supervision of the Resident Services and Solutions Division, the FSS Case Management team offers a partnership with the Housing Authority and Multifamily Owners nationwide to provide case management for the Family Self-Sufficiency program.
Working closely with the Housing Authority and/or Multifamily owners, we coach and support participants by connecting them with the social services and resources they need to succeed and become independent.
What We Do
Our FSS Case Management team will assist in developing or updating an Action Plan
We help to create the related paper and online forms
We provide participants' progress monthly and can assist in updating the data in both paper files and the software systems.
Case Management Team takes responsibility for marketing and recruiting participants
We assist the residents to identify the barriers that impede their efforts towards self-sufficiency.
We assist the participants to focus on their ITSP, provide training, offer social services and resources, coach them, and conduct follow-ups.
We work with local business owners, non-profit organizations, schools, churches, and government agencies to connect participants to the services.
We follow regulations and comply with Housing Authority and HUD's rules.
We will also work diligently with the Participating Coordinating Committee to monitor and manage the program to ensure fairness, effectiveness, and success of the FSS Program.
Coordinator for
the North Little Rock Housing Authority
Forms to download
FSS Interim Disbursement Request Form
FSS ITSP Modification Request Form
What is the purpose of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program?The purpose of the FSS program is to enable HUD-assisted families to increase their earned income and reduce their dependency on welfare assistance and rental subsidies.
Are there any benefits and incentives for FSS participants?Yes! If the family’s earned income increases, the housing authority compares the family rent to the baseline rent when signed by a Contract of Participation (COP). In most cases, the difference is escrowed.
Who is eligible to participate in the program?All NLRHA residents can participate in the FSS program.
What is a COP (Contract of Participation)?The Contract of Participation is a signed agreement (HUD-52650) between The North Little Rock Housing Authority and the participant acknowledging the client’s desire and willingness to enroll in the program and work with the FSS Coordinator to achieve self-sufficiency over five years.
What is an escrow account?An escrow account is special savings account that NLRHA created explicitly and only for FSS participants to attain self-sufficiency. Participants can escrow a percentage of any increase in their earned income since the contract of participation’s date. If the family’s earned income increases, the NLRHA compares the family rent to the baseline rent and escrows in most cases.
How does the FSS Escrow Work?When an FSS family increases their earned income, they are expected to pay a higher percentage of the rent. NLRHA will put an amount equal to the rental increase into an escrow account each month that the family spends a higher rent amount. For example: If the family graduates from the program, NLRHA will disburse the total escrow balance to the head of the family. If the NLRHA terminates the FSS contract or fails to complete the contract before its expiration, the family's FSS escrow funds are forfeited.
What are the graduation requirements?There are three requirements to graduate from the program. First, the Participants will need to work at least 32 hours per week at the time of graduation. Second, all household members will need to be free of cash welfare assistance for at least 12 months before graduation. Finally, Participants must complete the ITSP goals set during the program.
What are the responsibilities of the FSS Program Coordinators?FSS Program Coordinator assures to connect the participants with public and private employment social and economic resources to affect positive changes in their lives, leading to their independence from all forms of public assistance.
What are the responsibilities as an FSS participant?Based upon NLR Housing Authority FSS Action Plan and HCV Administrative Plan, Participants will have to comply with the lease, that all FSS family members (not just family members who elected to participate in FSS) are welfare-free for the 12 consecutive months before the FSS contract is completed (5-year term), and that the head of the FSS family (the same as the head of household for rent and income eligibility purposes) seek and maintain suitable employment. Noncompliance with the FSS contract without good cause may result in termination from the FSS program, withholding or termination of supportive services, or in some cases, termination of housing voucher assistance. Public Housing assistance may not be terminated for this reason.
Can the FSS Participant request modify the Participant’s contract or action plan?Yes. The NLRHA may modify the contract of an FSS family by mutual agreement with the family to: Amend the Individual Training and Services Plan. Change the family’s head if the designated head moves and leaves family members in the assisted unit. Extend the contract term for up to two years; or NLRHA may find it necessary to modify a family’s participation contract if a social service agency fails to deliver supportive services pledged under the family’s ITSP. If that service or another can be provided by another agency, the PHA should make a good-faith effort to secure services elsewhere. If the services cannot be obtained from another agency, the PHA must determine whether the services are necessary for the family’s advancement toward self-sufficiency. If the services are not required, they can be deleted from the ITSP. If the services are necessary, the PHA may be forced to declare the contract null and void. Nullification of the contract when services are unavailable will not be grounds for the family’s rental assistance termination.
If the Contract holder is not working but has a household member, does that income count toward the FSS escrow account?"Yes, any increased earned income that affects your household rental amount will contribute to your FSS savings account. However, the contract holder is the one who must be employed to receive the escrow balance at the time of graduation. This also means any earned income in the participant’s household at the time of enrollment will be included in the starting income on the contract.
Is money taken out of the escrow account if the rent decreases?No, only an interim disbursement can be requested during the program term to help achieve the goals. When the Participant’s income decreases, the escrow amount will be changed, but no money will be drawn from the account.
Will Participant lose the housing assistance by joining the FSS program?When participants complete the program, they may keep their rental assistance if they still need it and are income-eligible. If participants do not graduate from the program, they will not lose their housing assistance. Participants may lose the housing assistance only for noncompliance with the FSS contract without good cause.
Contact Information
469 - 389 - 1310
Brandy Jenkins
Director of Client Management